What is the purpose of the Educational Body Donation program?          

Our mission is direct and simple: “Supporting Education by creating a bridge between generous whole-body donors and Educational Institutions of the Pacific Northwest”.  Through our program, anatomy education is made possible in a respectful manner to the donor.

Will a donor be used for teaching or research? 

Through Educational Body Donation, a donor will be used solely for teaching and education. 

How does the Registration process work?

Registration may be completed with a program director, electronically, or by mail.  Please contact the Educational Body Donation program director for specific information or with questions as you begin the registration process.

Who can donate a body?

ORS 97.965 defines who may donate a body.  

Is an interested donor guaranteed to be accepted into the program?

No.  At the time of death, a medical assessment must be completed for the potential donor.  The assessment will determine whether a donor may be accepted.  An alternate plan should be in place with a funeral service establishment if acceptance is not approved through the Educational Body Donation.

What happens after the studies or teachings are completed?

The donor resides at the Educational Institution until their course of study is complete.   The donor’s entire remains are then returned to us for cremation and then returned to their family, generally within 24 months.  

Can my family have my cremated remains returned to them?  When?

Yes.  Generally, cremated remains will be returned within 24 months.

How does my survivor get a copy of the death certificate?

Your funeral service provider will be responsible for completing and filing a death certificate. During that process, the certified copies may be ordered.

What if the death occurs in another state?

Currently, the Educational Body Donation program is accepting donors whose death occurs in Oregon and Southwest Washington.

Does a DMV license designation as “D” for Donor enroll me in the Educational Body Donation program?

No.  The D-designation qualifies a licensee for tissue and organ donation.   Registration through the Educational Body Donation program must be completed separately.

Can a donor choose to donate organs prior to Educational Body Donation?

No.  If tissue or organ donation has occurred, then whole body donation is no longer an option.  Enucleation is a likely exception.

Are there any costs to be a donor?

No.  Although there may be costs outside of the Educational Body Donation program, there are no costs for being a donor.  Other potential expenses to consider: Death Certificates, potential transportation (from place of death) fees, Merchandise and Memorial Service expenses.

Is a payment received for a donation?

Each school pays a nominal fee to the Educational Body Donation to cover our expenses in facilitating this program.