Enrollment and Consent Form

Educational Body Donation is a privately owned, whole-body donation program that fulfills a unique academic need in the Northwest.  We are licensed and regulated by the Oregon Health Authority as a Non-transplant Anatomical Research Recovery Organization (NARRO).  This licensing and regulation is required by Oregon statute because we are not directly affiliated with or operated by any one educational institution, but instead, serve many institutions in their needs for whole-body study as part of their curriculum. Although licensed as a NARRO, Educational Body Donation is not engaged in the practice of research, but is very specifically engaged in the practice of preparing human remains for curriculum-based, cadaveric use in a classroom setting only.

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How to Register:

Registration for yourself: An individual may pre-register for themselves using Form 1 of our Enrollment and Consent Form. All self-consenting individuals must have decision making capacity at the time they complete the consent form. Each form must be signed by two witnesses.  

Registration for someone else: A next of kin/authorizing agent may register on behalf of the their loved one using Form 2 of our Enrollment and Consent Form. If an authorizing agent is completing Form 2, please include a copy of the form designating your authority, such a health care directive or power of attorney. Each form must be signed in the presence of two witnesses.  

Forms should be submitted to Educational Body Donation:
Mail: PO BOX 3570, Tualatin OR 97062
Fax: 503-404-4115 | Email: info@educationalbodydonation.org

24 Hour Death Notification: 503-404-4114

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What to Do At The Time of Death:

At the time of death notification, an initial medical assessment is performed by Educational Body Donation to determine the donor eligibility. The initial assessment procedure is best completed with a medical professional, but it may also be completed with a family member depending on their level of comfort. If accepted through this assessment, Educational Body Donation will arrange for transportation from the place of death. For transportation outside the greater Portland area, transportation fees may apply. Please contact us to speak with our program director for clarification of this service.

Following transportation, the program director will follow up with the donor's next of kin/authorizing agent, generally on the next business day. Note that in rare cases a donor may be ineligible for donation once a physical assessment is performed. In these cases, Educational Body Donation will contact a donor's next of kin, and if necessary, provide a referral for alternate disposition arrangements.

If a potential donor is declined through the medical assessment, alternative arrangements
are the responsibility of the next of kin. 
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